Get notified of Canadian Product and Vehicle Recalls and Safety Alerts | Recall Monitor

Protect yourself, your family and your business from product recalls

Recall Monitor alerts you when products you own are recalled.

Get Alerted Now

In 2020, 1,350+ products were recalled. Are any of these in your home or business?

Recall Monitor can alert you

Instant email or text alerts.

Never miss an important recall, ever. Recall Monitor is the fastest solution to get information on Canadian recalls, before they become dangerous.

Get Protected Now

How It Works

Our product watches Recall and Safety Alerts from Health Canada, Transport Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency 24/7 and sends you notifications for the products you care about as soon as they are published.

The alerts provide detailed guidance on what to do and how to be protected.

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Adjust your settings to indicate alerts you care about.

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Rest easy knowing you'll get notified instantly.

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What our users say about us

Margot A.
Vancouver, BC
Great and works as expected. I recommend this to anyone that wants to stay on top of recalls and keep their family safe.
Ray N.
Grande Prairie, AB
This is an amazing resource to have!! Definitely recommend it to all users!
Javi K.
Laval, QC
As a parent of a child with a nut allergy, I know I can keep my family safe and get alerted right away. Great product!
Brenda C.
Kamloops, BC
Great program to keep up to date on all recalls that may personally affect you!!

Tailored to your needs.

Receive alerts for every recall, or track recalls by Alert Type, Category or by defining your own keywords. Unlimited flexibility to help you receive the most important alerts in the most convenient way.

Get notified when it matters

Often consumers learn of recalls days or weeks after one is issued by stumbling across a news article or post on social media.

Recall Monitor makes life easier for Canadian consumers by notifying them of recalls that apply to them.

Sign Up

Track recalls on your vehicle

Track past and future recalls on your vehicle and get notified as soon as a recall affecting your own vehicle comes in.

For all consumers

Knowing about recalls is useful for many people, including:

People with allergies
know about undeclared allergens in foods
Business owners
avoid liability and serve customers better
Medical professionals
learn about medical devices that can inhibit treatment
be safe and avoid injuries from faulty products
avoid microbiological threats like E.coli, listeria and salmonella
Get Started

Search recalls by keyword and barcode.

Search our huge catalog of more than 29,000 recalls by keywords, category or enter barcodes for products you own to see if they were recalled.

Let Recall Monitor help

We know you are busy. In an effort to reduce your time fishing through alerts for ones that apply to you, you may choose to be sent only notifications for specific product types. You may even choose to be only sent products containing a certain keyword (for example, “peanuts” or “dairy”). Save yourself from alert fatigue and allow Recall Monitor to pick out relevant recall alerts for you and your family.

Don't leave your safety and the safety of the ones you care about to chance. Let Recall Monitor Help

Start Protecting Yourself

Recall Monitor

Information presented from Recalls and Safety Alerts dataset, provided by the Government of Canada through the Open Government initiative and is subject to the Open Government License.

You can access this data free of charge via Recall Monitor, or through the Healthy Canadians website.

Get personalized SMS or Email notifications about recall alerts that matter by subscribing to Recall Monitor.

Recall Monitor is not endorsed by, or is an official product of the Government of Canada.

Made with in Vancouver, BC

© Mad Filaments Software Inc.